Last Friday, a group of about 30 Start-Up Chile participants (myself and my girlfriend included) piled into a bus toward El Colorado ski resort about an hour and a half outside of Santiago.


The day’s excitement began before we hit the slopes. It turns out the road to the ski resorts is considered pretty dangerous, so much so that every driver and passenger hoping to pass must sign a form. Sure enough, our bus had to wait until everyone signed the form. It was either a disclaimer or simply a list that the police would be able to use to account for everyone in the event of an accident. Either way, our bus driver handled it like a champ, and we had no issues.


The ski resort’s main building was very high up in the mountains, providing some spectacular views before we even made our way up the face of the mountain by tow lift or chairlift…

The tow lift is not easy by the way, but once you make it up to the top of the (bunny) slopes, you are rewarded with quite a view…

Skiing conditions couldn’t have been better during the middle of the day. We were finally getting the hang of skiing again after a 10 year hiatus. At 2:30pm, though, the fog rolled in. The following picture was taken from almost the exact same vantage point as the previous picture…

Despite only 10 yards of visibility, Beth and I continued skiing… but very slowly. It was a surreal experience and very disorienting not being able to tell the difference between ground and air.  Gravity was really the only thing pointing us in the right direction.

I would upload more pictures but my wifi’s upload speed is slow. All in all, our ski trip was a blast.